Tips and Hints for Technical Issues of Our Video Meetings

1-      Get a faster Internet connection to your house – if your provider has three options: $20, $50, or $80 per month, switch to the top package or at least the mid package, avoid the bottom. This current pandemic is not going to leave us soon and we are becoming more dependent on the Internet, so it is an essential utility worth a budget increase. […]

Comparing the Process of Writing Your Book Versus Joining A Club of Remy Discussion

Comparing the Process of Writing Your Book Versus Joining A Club of Remy Discussion A Reflection of How To Transmit Your Insights To Benefit More People  JJH 2020  (Numbers and percentages in this piece of writing are fake or my best guess. They should be different from case to case, feel free to make adjustments to them for your own case, but the general idea […]

The Magic of Seven Slides

JJH 2020 for COR The secrete of building collective wisdom is hidden in the children’s game of building blocks or playing the Lego. A bad game would be one dominating kid push away other kids and play by herself but others just watch. A good game is that every kid participates in turn, in “Round-table-style”, one block a time, or 3 blocks/5 blocks/7 blocks a […]

Evolution of Science – Club of Remy Conference July 2020

On Saturday 25th we shall have our long waited virtual conference. At the end of this message, there is a Zoom URL and password that you will click to join. The time is: 12:00 noon Washington DC, Boston 11:00 am Chicago 17:00 pm Lisbon 18:00 pm Vienna, Humbug, Frankfurt, Paris In case your time zone is not listed here please figure it out yourself Program (Expect […]

The Current Stealth War from China

The Current Stealth War from China — Wei Jingsheng’s Speech at the George Washington University Seminar on China February 14, 2020 The recent Wuhan pneumonia has caused panic all over the world.  There is already a lot of evidence, and most Chinese netizens have thought that this as the consequence of the research on biological warfare by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  It is not a secret […]

George Washington University Seminar

George Washington University Seminar & the Club of Remy Joint Organizing: Roundtable Discussions on (1) the Current Stealth War Attack from China; (2) the Unintended Consequences of Social Media Impact to Our Society; and (3) Threats and Opportunities in the Global Race for Influence, Law of Requisite Variety, Complexity and Reflexivity.   Date: February 14, 2020 Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Location:  Ric & […]

Four China Strategy

An Open Message to 36 Key Persons plus anyone Who Cares about U.S. China-Policy(News Release or Executive Summary)Club of Remy ( and Fusion Media in Washington DC launched their first documentary film “Why Do We Need a Four-Chinas strategy”, surprised by some U.S.-China experts. “Two-China (the Mainland PRC and the Taiwan ROC) are already a headache for us, how come you come up four?”The presenter […]