For the most current and complete list of videos, please click HERE to visit CoR Youtube Channel.
Four China Strategy
Panda Heart Dragon Skin
Culture Evolution
Culture Gene Hypnosis
Concepts of Models Within Improvisation & the Nature of Change
The Influence of Neurophysiology on Cybernetics
Discussion: What is System Change?
Social Systems Change Experiments
How (not) to Engage with Black Lives Matter Movement?
My Cases discussion
My Karma with Cybernetics
Discussion on My Karma with Cybernetic
Get Out Jail Card
Introducing WINTOP Round-table Leadership Program
Cybernetics ToolBox
Cybernetic Tools
Two Sciences Two Differing ToolSets
The Possibility of Second Order Science
Second-Order Cybernetics
Science - Realist Assumptions, Constructivist Operation
Postnormal Science - Climate and Epidemiology
Self-Reference and Second-Order Observation in Social Science
Second-Order Science - Future Work Prospects
A Discussion of Second Order Science
Stealth War Attack from China
Strategies to Deal With Two Culture-Gene Groups
The Current Stealth War from China
Telecommunication Threats in Current Context
Abuse of Social Media
Review of China Influece Since Nixon
The Unintended Consequences of Social Media
Law of Requisite Variety and Complexity in Government Agencies