For the most current and complete list of videos, please click HERE to visit CoR Youtube Channel.
2020 Events
Meta-Topic: My TIU (Topics Important Urgent) of 2021 on One Slide
A New Year Resolution Social Chat for everyone who is interested(video)
Evolution of Science – Club of Remy Conference July 2020
Jason H. HU(video), Louis H KAUFFMAN(video), Hans von STORCH(video), Edmundo Balsemão PIRES(video), Eva BUCHINGER(video), Bernard SCOTT(video), Robert J MARTIN(video), Stuart UMPLEBY(video)
Culture Genes
Jason H. HU(video, Chinese), Luxing LIU, Daoping WU, Jianren HUANG
Cultural Criticism
Daoping WU(video, Chinese), Jason H. HU, Luxing LIU, Jianren HUANG
The “People” Under Authoritarian Values
Jianren HUANG(video, Chinese), Daoping WU, Jason H. HU, Luxing LIU
OutLook For China
Luxing LIU(video, Chinese), Daoping WU, Jianren HUANG, Jason H. HU(video, Chinese)
The Current Stealth War Attack from China And Possible Strategies to Deal with It
BG Robert SPALDING(video), Jingsheng WEI/Ciping HUANG(video), Jason J. HU(video)
The Unintended Consequences or Intended Subversion of Social Media and Narratives
Stuart UMPLEBY(video), Phillip Thomas(video)
Threats and Opportunities in the Global Race for Influence, Law of Requisite Variety, Complexity and Reflexivity.
Joseph Bosco(video), Peter T. LEWIS(video), Morris BOSIN(video)
How Ignorant I Am – A primer for Experimental Epistemology and System Thinking
Dr. Jason Hu lecture for Half-Cup Association(video, English PPT, Chinese Presentation)
How should the U.S. deal with the CCP Threat – Four Presentations and Focus Conversation
Dr. Jason Hu (DC); Dr. Pingshan Zhao (NJ), Dr. John J Han (Australia), Dr. Jianren Huang (San Jose)
A Taxonomy of System Thinking
Dr. Jason Hu lecture for Half-Cup Association (video, English PPT, Chinese Presentation)
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